ijeelly 2:17 pm
so about your proposal yesterday
i want to be able to work with you, but i'm just scared that you have all these other friends in the game that'll i'll take a far back seat =X
thats SO britti 2:18 pm
thats understandable, but i mean i wouldnt have brought a deal up to you if i didn't mean it
and half the people in the game and i are friends yes but we dont even talk game anymore
or they hate me for nominating and evicting their friend (kathleen)
ijeelly 2:19 pm
true, but like you said you play an emotional game
thats SO britti 2:19 pm
i did.
ijeelly 2:19 pm
and you have a stronger attachment to them then to me
thats SO britti 2:19 pm
im over that now
thats SO britti 2:19 pm
because i realized
if people dont worry about hurting me
why should i worry about hurting them
my hoh week definitely turned this game on its heels for m
ijeelly 2:19 pm
that makes sense
hopefull yoyu keep this mentality up when we're working together =P lol
thats SO britti 2:20 pm
you know i will :-)
well, you dont know i will, but i promise i will, i have felt a lot better since i stopped playing emotionally
ijeelly 2:21 pm
haha thanks good
and i hope this promise is better then the week you nominated me lol
thats SO britti 2:21 pm
it is
goshhhh i cant apologize enough for that :-\
ijeelly 2:21 pm
haha yeah.. but at least i stayed and you got ali out
thats SO britti 2:21 pm
thank goodness
although that didnt make certain people happy lol
sarah and alex were LIVID with me
ijeelly 2:22 pm
yeah but you stood up for yourself so good for you
thats SO britti 2:22 pm
ya i was really proud of my self for that, i figured even if i got evicted right after that, i could at least be proud ofr that
ijeelly 2:23 pm
haha thats good =]
thats SO britti 2:23 pm
ijeelly 2:23 pm
ok now comes for the part you might not like so much =X, and idk if i'll do it
its just a thought
but i might have to nominate you becuase it would be super sketchy if i didnt
but i'm gonna for sure try and make it so that you will stay
i just need 3 votes so
thats SO britti 2:24 pm
i mean its not ideal
but like i did the same to you so i cant bel ike I*@()*)(*)(&()
ijeelly 2:24 pm
yeah sorry =X
but if i don't nominate you people will be suspecting we're together
thats SO britti 2:24 pm
who would i be up against
like who would the target me
ijeelly 2:24 pm
you won't tell anyone right?
thats SO britti 2:24 pm
of course not
ijeelly 2:25 pm
thats SO britti 2:25 pm
i promise on jim sturgess
ijeelly 2:25 pm
=-O ok lol
thats SO britti 2:25 pm
who is my favourite celebrity in the world so that means a lot LOL
ijeelly 2:25 pm
yeah you told me that lol
well i want will gone =X
do you think you can get a 3rd vote?
cuz im pretty sure u can get sheila and jeff
thats SO britti 2:26 pm
uhmmm i could talk to casey maybe?
and maybe sarah idk ?
ijeelly 2:26 pm
idk this is what i want to happen but idk if it will
i haven't talked to anyone about it except for you so far
thats SO britti 2:26 pm
its not gonna get out dont worry
the only place this convo is going is in my diary room
ijeelly 2:27 pm
haha ok
ijeelly 2:27 pm
well start playing nice to sarah and casey then
thats SO britti 2:27 pm
ijeelly 2:27 pm
cuz i really don't want you to go
thats SO britti 2:27 pm
i have my veto ball
ijeelly 2:27 pm
oh yeah
we totally need someone good to go up against will
thats SO britti 2:28 pm
im not strong in veto comps
so if you are nominating me and will together
he has a better chance winning then i do
ijeelly 2:28 pm
he has a better chance of winning regardless of who is up but yeah i gotcha
thats SO britti 2:28 pm