[4/5/2011 8:52:35 PM] Jason: Hello! Please add me to your Contact list.
[4/5/2011 9:06:55 PM] Cody [baby deja]: hi
[4/5/2011 9:07:13 PM] Jason: hey
[4/5/2011 9:07:21 PM] Jason: wats up??
[4/5/2011 9:08:33 PM] Cody [baby deja]: nothin
[4/5/2011 9:08:39 PM] Cody [baby deja]: tooke me 10 minutes to figure this skype stuff out :x
[4/5/2011 9:09:16 PM] Jason: lol
[4/5/2011 9:09:18 PM] Jason: me2
[4/5/2011 9:09:25 PM] Jason: i couldnt search u for awhile by ur username
[4/5/2011 9:09:36 PM] Jason: so then i just searched cody and u were the second option
[4/5/2011 9:10:33 PM] Cody [baby deja]:
[4/5/2011 9:10:54 PM] Jason: so guess what I found out :x
[4/5/2011 9:11:00 PM] Cody [baby deja]: what is this
[4/5/2011 9:11:12 PM] Jason: apparently nick is chained to sarah
[4/5/2011 9:11:18 PM] Cody [baby deja]:
[4/5/2011 9:11:22 PM] Jason: so if she goes up he has to evict eric :x
[4/5/2011 9:11:26 PM] Cody [baby deja]: lol
[4/5/2011 9:11:36 PM] Cody [baby deja]:
[4/5/2011 9:11:47 PM] Cody [baby deja]: did he say this?
[4/5/2011 9:11:54 PM] Jason: noo billy told me
[4/5/2011 9:11:59 PM] Jason: idk how he found out tho
[4/5/2011 9:11:59 PM] Cody [baby deja]:
[4/5/2011 9:12:14 PM] Cody [baby deja]: are you gona say your chained to me?
[4/5/2011 9:12:31 PM] Jason: idk if I should or not
[4/5/2011 9:12:39 PM] Jason: it would give a good reason for not putting u up this week
[4/5/2011 9:12:49 PM] Jason: but if sum1 besides u wins next week we both could go up for it
[4/5/2011 9:13:05 PM] Jason: since they would be like if u win veto u have to save him so ur getting nominated together
[4/5/2011 9:13:15 PM] Cody [baby deja]: oh
[4/5/2011 9:13:21 PM] Cody [baby deja]: yes that could backfire
[4/5/2011 9:13:42 PM] Cody [baby deja]: prob not a good idea then
[4/5/2011 9:14:11 PM] Jason: bitches just have to realize how dumb it would be if i put you up
[4/5/2011 9:14:31 PM] Jason: whether we had a deal or not me going after a 4th person when 3 people are after me would be stupid
[4/5/2011 9:14:42 PM] Jason: and in regard to ur PM
[4/5/2011 9:14:54 PM] Jason: i think eric/nick/casey/jee probs have an alliance
[4/5/2011 9:15:45 PM] Jason: the only thing idk is if like nick/eric/jee are more loyal to sarah then one another
[4/5/2011 9:16:32 PM] Cody [baby deja]: =O
[4/5/2011 9:17:20 PM] Cody [baby deja]: jee and sarah are close?
[4/5/2011 9:17:33 PM] Jason: thats what jee said last week
[4/5/2011 9:17:53 PM] Jason: and he put jeff up over her sooo theres prolly something going on
[4/5/2011 9:18:08 PM] Cody [baby deja]: thats true
[4/5/2011 9:18:11 PM] Jason: when u won veto he acted like he was stuck putting up jeff
[4/5/2011 9:18:17 PM] Jason: which means he has deals with everyone else xD
[4/5/2011 9:18:22 PM] Cody [baby deja]: lmao
[4/5/2011 9:18:35 PM] Cody [baby deja]: and I was surprised he even put me up to begin with
[4/5/2011 9:18:48 PM] Jason: did u guys have one??
[4/5/2011 9:18:49 PM] Cody [baby deja]: which still boggles my mind why he even tried to win hoh
[4/5/2011 9:18:53 PM] Jason: ikr
[4/5/2011 9:19:12 PM] Jason: i feel like i should almost just put him up :x
[4/5/2011 9:19:14 PM] Cody [baby deja]: we didn't have anything really, but I thought we had like an agreement to stay safe lol
[4/5/2011 9:19:26 PM] Jason: it depends how much of a brat he's gonna be if i say ur not going up
[4/5/2011 9:19:27 PM] Cody [baby deja]: putting mr. G unit up?
[4/5/2011 9:19:41 PM] Cody [baby deja]: you want Eric out?
[4/5/2011 9:19:55 PM] Jason: im just worried once u don't go up he's gonna be like go die sheila
[4/5/2011 9:20:05 PM] Jason: ummm
[4/5/2011 9:20:10 PM] Jason: see idk what to do
[4/5/2011 9:20:17 PM] Cody [baby deja]: =o
[4/5/2011 9:20:19 PM] Jason: between sarah/eric sarah is the bigger threat
[4/5/2011 9:20:31 PM] Jason: but i feel like those 4 need to lose a number
[4/5/2011 9:20:35 PM] Cody [baby deja]: G is just banking on me going up
[4/5/2011 9:20:47 PM] Jason: i think so
[4/5/2011 9:20:57 PM] Jason: even tho everytime he asks i say i don't wanna do it
[4/5/2011 9:21:04 PM] Jason: and hell be like ok well talk more later
[4/5/2011 9:22:01 PM] Cody [baby deja]: lol
[4/5/2011 9:22:22 PM] Cody [baby deja]: if you put up Sarah, then Eric will leave?
[4/5/2011 9:22:36 PM] Jason: i think
[4/5/2011 9:22:44 PM] Jason: I'm hoping so??
[4/5/2011 9:22:52 PM] Jason: idk who to want out
[4/5/2011 9:23:03 PM] Cody [baby deja]: I would keep Sarah over Eric
[4/5/2011 9:23:15 PM] Jason: i wanted nick out but now thats he's safe idc who goes between sarah/eric
[4/5/2011 9:23:20 PM] Jason: thats fine
[4/5/2011 9:23:27 PM] Jason: really w/e happens I'll be fine with it
[4/5/2011 9:23:35 PM] Cody [baby deja]: k
[4/5/2011 9:23:40 PM] Jason: im assuming u/jeff/nick keep sarah
[4/5/2011 9:23:45 PM] Jason: so she'll prolly stay
[4/5/2011 9:23:53 PM] Cody [baby deja]: ya if that Nick thing is correct
[4/5/2011 9:24:11 PM] Jason: im just wondering if it's bs to get me not to nom casey/jee
[4/5/2011 9:24:19 PM] Jason: but it came from billy and not nick himself so iidk
[4/5/2011 9:24:53 PM] Cody [baby deja]: he just messaged me, i'll see if he brings it up
[4/5/2011 9:24:58 PM] Jason: kk
[4/5/2011 9:25:21 PM] Jason: best thing would be sarah up, nick can't vote out eric so he just doesn't vote and then he sits out and i can then sit out someone else too
[4/5/2011 9:25:29 PM] Jason: but it wouldn't happen like that
[4/5/2011 9:26:12 PM] Jason: actually it could if nick thot i'd keep eric in a tie
[4/5/2011 9:27:00 PM] Cody [baby deja]: lol
[4/5/2011 9:27:15 PM] Cody [baby deja]: does he have to vote to keep her tho
[4/5/2011 9:27:21 PM] Cody [baby deja]: he might not have an option to not vote
[4/5/2011 9:27:25 PM] Jason: hmm
[4/5/2011 9:27:30 PM] Jason: all it says is that he can't evict her
[4/5/2011 9:27:34 PM] Cody [baby deja]:
[4/5/2011 9:27:45 PM] Jason: has to save her with veto, can't nominate and can't evict
[4/5/2011 9:27:54 PM] Jason: so technically i suppose he could just not vote?
[4/5/2011 9:28:00 PM] Cody [baby deja]: ya maybe
[4/5/2011 9:28:17 PM] Cody [baby deja]: if you brought it up to him, do you think
[4/5/2011 9:28:27 PM] Cody [baby deja]: he'll just think u dont want him to play hoh
[4/5/2011 9:28:28 PM] Cody [baby deja]: :x
[4/5/2011 9:28:37 PM] Jason: hee might
[4/5/2011 9:28:39 PM] Cody [baby deja]: or
[4/5/2011 9:28:44 PM] Jason: i could just not bring up that portion
[4/5/2011 9:28:48 PM] Cody [baby deja]: you could be like I'm sitting you out of hoh either way :x
[4/5/2011 9:28:50 PM] Jason: and just act like i rlly want eric to stay
[4/5/2011 9:29:00 PM] Cody [baby deja]: ya
[4/5/2011 9:29:10 PM] Jason: i could do that too
[4/5/2011 9:29:12 PM] Cody [baby deja]: lmao
[4/5/2011 9:29:16 PM] Jason: ill be like either way ur sitting out xD
[4/5/2011 9:29:20 PM] Cody [baby deja]: lol
[4/5/2011 9:29:23 PM] Jason: at least this way ur bff stays
[4/5/2011 9:29:45 PM] Cody [baby deja]: that would be crazy if that was puled off
[4/5/2011 9:29:53 PM] Jason: ikr xD
[4/5/2011 9:30:02 PM] Jason: thatd mean he sits out
[4/5/2011 9:30:04 PM] Jason: im out
[4/5/2011 9:30:15 PM] Jason: and then if i sat out eric or sarah
[4/5/2011 9:30:19 PM] Jason: itd be u/casey/jee
[4/5/2011 9:30:22 PM] Jason: casey would throw
[4/5/2011 9:30:29 PM] Jason: it'd be u vs jee
[4/5/2011 9:32:26 PM] Cody [baby deja]:
[4/5/2011 9:32:53 PM] Cody [baby deja]: that would be a showdown
[4/5/2011 9:33:20 PM] Jason: yes yes xD
[4/5/2011 9:33:44 PM] Jason: i'm waiting for jee to add me on skype and start campaigning xD
[4/5/2011 9:36:39 PM] Cody [baby deja]: lmao
[4/5/2011 9:37:57 PM] Jason: speak of the devil :x
[4/5/2011 9:41:48 PM] Cody [baby deja]: hi G
[4/5/2011 9:42:25 PM] Jason: he got on to say he cant talk now -_-
[4/5/2011 9:44:09 PM] Cody [baby deja]: lmao
[4/5/2011 9:45:21 PM] Jason: oh my i forgot about the hand grenade and HoH adv.
[4/5/2011 9:45:48 PM] Cody [baby deja]: grenade isnt much
[4/5/2011 9:45:51 PM] Cody [baby deja]: hoh could be
[4/5/2011 9:46:00 PM] Cody [baby deja]: what happens if u sit the 1 with the advatnage? lol
[4/5/2011 9:46:17 PM] Jason: i think they would have to use it the next week
[4/5/2011 9:46:23 PM] Cody [baby deja]: =O
[4/5/2011 9:46:25 PM] Jason: or maybe wasted?
[4/5/2011 9:46:29 PM] Cody [baby deja]: lol
[4/5/2011 9:46:33 PM] Cody [baby deja]: wasted
[4/5/2011 10:00:39 PM] Cody [baby deja]: hi
[4/5/2011 10:00:41 PM] Cody [baby deja]: he confirmed
[4/5/2011 10:00:53 PM] Cody [baby deja]: jeff confirmed he's chained to sarah
[4/5/2011 10:01:12 PM] Jason: woot woot
[4/5/2011 10:01:32 PM] Jason: now i just need to talk to eric and be all i really want u to stay we need to make sure u have the votes
[4/5/2011 10:01:43 PM] Cody [baby deja]: drwillchilltown (8:51:00 PM): i would vote eric out over her
"Jeff" (8:51:07 PM): Samzies
"Jeff" (8:51:09 PM): Ann ms
"Jeff" (8:51:13 PM): Annnd**
"Jeff" (8:51:29 PM): I think that's enough
drwillchilltown (8:51:32 PM):
drwillchilltown (8:51:36 PM): it takes 3
"Jeff" (8:51:38 PM):
drwillchilltown (8:51:47 PM):
"Jeff" (8:51:53 PM):
drwillchilltown (8:51:57 PM): who else would keep her?
"Jeff" (8:52:32 PM): Someone who has to
"Jeff" (8:54:54 PM):
drwillchilltown (8:55:50 PM): =O
drwillchilltown (8:56:01 PM): who's chained to her?
drwillchilltown (8:56:11 PM): Nick?
"Jeff" (8:56:23 PM): Maybe?
"Jeff" (8:56:25 PM): Lol
drwillchilltown (8:56:27 PM): =O
drwillchilltown (8:56:35 PM): are u just hoping?
"Jeff" (8:56:48 PM): Nope I'm
"Jeff" (8:57:07 PM): Pretty sure. Don't wanna be a mouth runner though
"Jeff" (8:57:10 PM): Lol
drwillchilltown (8:57:32 PM): oh
drwillchilltown (8:57:52 PM): if he does
drwillchilltown (8:57:54 PM): then
drwillchilltown (8:57:59 PM): that would be 3
[4/5/2011 10:02:16 PM] Jason: niice
[4/5/2011 10:02:22 PM] Jason: i wonder how he found out tho
[4/5/2011 10:02:28 PM] Jason: does he talk to nick at all?
[4/5/2011 10:05:31 PM] Cody [baby deja]: I think so
[4/5/2011 10:06:05 PM] Cody [baby deja]: Sarah said a few rounds ago, something she said to Nick got back to jeff
[4/5/2011 10:06:25 PM] Cody [baby deja]: maybe it was the other way around
[4/5/2011 10:06:56 PM] Jason: ohhh
[4/5/2011 10:07:00 PM] Jason: interesting
[4/5/2011 10:15:02 PM] Cody [baby deja]: (emo)
[4/5/2011 10:22:17 PM] Jason: emo?
[4/5/2011 10:22:25 PM] Jason: im talkin to crackers ~
[4/5/2011 10:25:12 PM] Cody [baby deja]: emo =-O
[4/5/2011 10:25:14 PM] Cody [baby deja]: hi crackers
[12:59:58 AM] Cody [baby deja]: tuna
[1:00:15 AM] Jason: fish
[1:01:11 AM] Cody [baby deja]: there is 17 million people on skype
[1:01:26 AM] Jason: and we are 2 of them
[1:01:39 AM] Cody [baby deja]: yes
[1:03:21 AM] Jason: jee is trying to tell me if i get rid of u
[1:03:27 AM] Jason: that everyone will target eric/nick next week
[1:03:36 AM] Jason: yet no one seems to be after u -_-
[1:04:40 AM] Jason: i thot i struck gold, and i told him i can keep u around now cuz i can sit you out of HoH
[1:05:03 AM] Jason: cuz i thot what KC meant was that they just can't win and it's not made public they are sitting out so now idk
[1:07:13 AM] Cody [baby deja]: it is or isnt made public?
[1:07:34 AM] Jason: i pmed KC asking exactly
[1:07:47 AM] Cody [baby deja]: oh =-O
[1:08:26 AM] Jason: if it's that thery just can't win then perfect
[1:08:31 AM] Jason: if not then i effed up if jee wins
[1:08:37 AM] Cody [baby deja]:
[1:08:41 AM] Cody [baby deja]: what?
[1:09:05 AM] Jason: cuz i said i'd sit you out, but then when i sit nick out instead and he wins HoH
[1:09:08 AM] Jason: i'm deff screwed
[1:10:44 AM] Cody [baby deja]:
[1:11:16 AM] Cody [baby deja]: idk why
[1:11:24 AM] Cody [baby deja]: he cant expect you to do what he wants
[1:11:36 AM] Jason: he really is tho xD
[1:11:45 AM] Cody [baby deja]: he's insane
[1:11:51 AM] Jason: i keep asking about the eric sarah vote and he's teling me reasons to put you up
[1:12:08 AM] Jason: when i've clearly stated im not leaving 3 people in the game at f7 that want me out
[1:12:46 AM] Jason: at least we're at the stage where backdooring is null
[1:13:28 AM] Cody [baby deja]: mhm
[1:13:46 AM] Cody [baby deja]: mr. G is a lil loopy tonight
[1:13:53 AM] Jason: ohh yes
[1:14:02 AM] Jason: i really think he thought you would be put up
[1:14:16 AM] Jason: like i guess i understand cuz i made it seem so sure i wanted you gone last week :x
[1:17:54 AM] Cody [baby deja]: haha
[1:18:03 AM] Cody [baby deja]: he needs to relax
[1:18:22 AM] Jason: mmhmm
[1:18:57 AM] Jason: time to watch a movie
[1:19:32 AM] Jason: i sha'll talk to you tomorrow sir
[1:19:45 AM] Cody [baby deja]: kk ttyl