Shadz (8:05:27 AM): hi
shirzzz9 (8:08:54 AM): idk if i wanna evict james
shirzzz9 (8:09:09 AM): doubt the votes are there anyway
Shadz (8:10:30 AM): i think they can be
Shadz (8:10:38 AM): me you britti dick allison and nick
shirzzz9 (8:14:23 AM): tay wont do anything
shirzzz9 (8:14:26 AM): that animal doesnt want
shirzzz9 (8:14:40 AM): when i spoke to tay he said he is leaning towards evicting jeff
shirzzz9 (8:14:48 AM): just cuz animal prefers it
Shadz (8:16:30 AM): ugh idk
Shadz (8:19:56 AM): [08:20] itfz88: oh
[08:20] itfz88: well ask caycasy
shirzzz9 (8:22:16 AM): y does kat prefer james go =-O
Shadz (8:22:29 AM): she says she'll do it, she doesnt care
Shadz (8:22:48 AM): jeff will prob go after sheila now that sheila is campaigning for him to go
Shadz (8:22:50 AM): whereas james wont
shirzzz9 (8:24:06 AM): if james win
shirzzz9 (8:24:08 AM): we can lie
shirzzz9 (8:24:14 AM): and say sheila was campaigning for him to go
Shadz (8:24:25 AM): no
Shadz (8:24:29 AM): he knows she isnt.....
shirzzz9 (8:24:38 AM): how
Shadz (8:24:47 AM): cuz they have a deal duh
shirzzz9 (8:27:02 AM): oh plz. he told me about the dea he made with tay, he would tell me about the one he made with sheila
shirzzz9 (8:27:06 AM): i doubt they have a deal
shirzzz9 (8:27:14 AM): they just know billy is friends with a lot more people
shirzzz9 (8:27:31 AM): its just campaigning because sheila knows billy isnt xoming after us
Shadz (8:27:31 AM): tay made a deal with james?
shirzzz9 (8:27:35 AM): tay did
shirzzz9 (8:27:40 AM): not to nominate him if he wins hoh
shirzzz9 (8:27:56 AM): if he wins hoh
shirzzz9 (8:28:01 AM): he wont be coming after u
shirzzz9 (8:28:02 AM): me
shirzzz9 (8:28:04 AM): britti
shirzzz9 (8:28:07 AM): kat...
Shadz (8:28:08 AM): then lets keep him...
shirzzz9 (8:28:12 AM): so thats what he's a threat of
shirzzz9 (8:28:18 AM): neither would james
Shadz (8:28:21 AM): james might
shirzzz9 (8:28:25 AM): i dont see what the fuss is aout\
Shadz (8:28:25 AM): he is in with sheila
shirzzz9 (8:28:26 AM): no he wont
shirzzz9 (8:28:29 AM): omfg shadow
Shadz (8:28:35 AM): HE'd also nom dick
Shadz (8:28:36 AM): jeff wont
shirzzz9 (8:28:38 AM): you're so blinded by last week
Shadz (8:28:41 AM): NO IM NOT
shirzzz9 (8:28:41 AM): you're being irrational
Shadz (8:28:50 AM): its so dumb to keep
Shadz (8:28:54 AM): the perso nsheila wants to stay
Shadz (8:28:58 AM): the person cody wants to stay
Shadz (8:29:01 AM): the person EVERYONE
Shadz (8:29:03 AM): wants to stay
Shadz (8:32:36 AM): point made.
shirzzz9 (8:32:43 AM): no, i was in the kitchen
Shadz (8:32:59 AM): jeff is a 0 threat
shirzzz9 (8:33:06 AM): i dont see how james is
Shadz (8:33:08 AM): james can win tuff, james isnt trustworthy
Shadz (8:33:21 AM): he's eventually gonna try and get me out
Shadz (8:33:24 AM): its a fact
Shadz (8:33:27 AM): i know how he plays
Shadz (8:33:31 AM): he already turned on me
Shadz (8:33:34 AM): he will do it again
i have no fkn clue what i want right now.
Shadz (8:36:04 AM): am i wasting my time or are u not buding
Shadz (8:36:20 AM): budging*
shirzzz9 (8:37:16 AM): idk. i dont think the votes are there honestly. i dont think u can get tay at all.
Shadz (8:37:25 AM): he wanted to keep jeff
shirzzz9 (8:37:33 AM): but animal wants jeff gone
Shadz (8:37:43 AM): so animal expected tay to vote james
shirzzz9 (8:37:43 AM): tay wont go againstr him
shirzzz9 (8:38:29 AM): idk yet. i gtg to work and think about it. im not sure i want to turn on james out of the i need to think about it and put things together.
James or Jeff... James or Jeff. I like to make decisions that end up being better for ME
and i know James is super loyal to me. I've played with him in urtv8 and playing with him now. the communication is SOOO different. its like he fully trusts me. yeah, i dont see why evicting james is good for my own game honestly. ill think it through because i believe i have a great relationship with jeff too, so him staying isn't necessarily a bad thing either :-\ hmmmmm.