sarahurtv8 (9:09:27 PM): you're evicting animal?
sarahurtv8 (9:10:20 PM): dont ignore me cody ">
DrWillchilltown (9:11:09 PM): wtf
sarahurtv8 (9:11:14 PM): hi
DrWillchilltown (9:11:23 PM): people starting crap, lol I have been gone all afternoon +____+
sarahurtv8 (9:11:33 PM): oh
sarahurtv8 (9:11:37 PM): no no one is
sarahurtv8 (9:11:48 PM): i know animal is one of your targets
DrWillchilltown (9:11:51 PM): we'll someone else asked me like implying I was ==-O
DrWillchilltown (9:11:55 PM): oh
DrWillchilltown (9:11:57 PM): haha
DrWillchilltown (9:12:01 PM): :-!
sarahurtv8 (9:12:06 PM): but anyways, i voted to evict erikail
sarahurtv8 (9:12:10 PM): but um
DrWillchilltown (9:12:12 PM): mhm
sarahurtv8 (9:12:30 PM): anyways
DrWillchilltown (9:13:46 PM): so anywayzzzzzzzzzzz
DrWillchilltown (9:14:02 PM): I'm not going to try anything fancy
DrWillchilltown (9:14:07 PM): I don't feel safe with either pair
DrWillchilltown (9:14:31 PM): i thought I was good with Erikail but obvs I'm not after what has happened
sarahurtv8 (9:14:49 PM): well idk cody... this is an opportunity to get rid of animal. i know you
sarahurtv8 (9:14:57 PM): buyt im also scared that since we're evicting erikail
sarahurtv8 (9:15:04 PM): they will come after the people who voted them out
sarahurtv8 (9:15:06 PM): ie: me
sarahurtv8 (9:15:24 PM): which sucks cuz i was good with them before
DrWillchilltown (9:16:04 PM): are you wanting me to vote out animal cakes =-O
sarahurtv8 (9:16:20 PM): no
sarahurtv8 (9:16:22 PM): lol
sarahurtv8 (9:16:26 PM): im just saying
sarahurtv8 (9:16:32 PM): i rather he stay, but i know u want him out
sarahurtv8 (9:16:46 PM): so idk if u really are gonna let this go
sarahurtv8 (9:16:50 PM): doubt ittt
DrWillchilltown (9:16:55 PM): lol
DrWillchilltown (9:16:59 PM): let this go? =-o h
DrWillchilltown (9:17:01 PM): =-O
DrWillchilltown (9:17:10 PM): you know me too well :-(
sarahurtv8 (9:17:33 PM): <3
DrWillchilltown (9:17:37 PM): but I really am not gona try much, if the case is their I'm not gona lie I will prob pull the trigger and vote Eric/Casey out
DrWillchilltown (9:17:44 PM): there*
sarahurtv8 (9:17:54 PM): yeah
sarahurtv8 (9:18:15 PM): alright becauseee if u come on too strong, people will get pissed!
sarahurtv8 (9:18:27 PM): lots of animal lovers
sarahurtv8 (9:18:29 PM): out there
sarahurtv8 (9:18:30 PM): js
DrWillchilltown (9:18:41 PM): mhm
DrWillchilltown (9:18:45 PM): yes there is
DrWillchilltown (9:18:47 PM): :-(
DrWillchilltown (9:18:53 PM): baby crackers =-O
DrWillchilltown (9:19:05 PM): Kitty things I'm trying something
sarahurtv8 (9:19:08 PM): lol
sarahurtv8 (9:19:12 PM): oh
DrWillchilltown (9:19:14 PM): thinks*
sarahurtv8 (9:19:15 PM): idk
sarahurtv8 (9:24:14 PM): gtg ttyl
DrWillchilltown (9:25:30 PM): kk later
this was early in the night. apparently when i got back home, he was trying to get the house to flip, but what pisses me off isn't the fact that he tried it, but that people pretended to be into it in order to make him look like a fool. People are so annoying.
sarahurtv8 (3:29:57 AM): can i tell u something
sarahurtv8 (3:30:01 AM): without u telling anyone
DrWillchilltown (3:30:01 AM): hi
sarahurtv8 (3:30:02 AM): promise
DrWillchilltown (3:30:05 AM):
sarahurtv8 (3:30:08 AM): apparently
sarahurtv8 (3:30:15 AM): dick/jordan were lying to u
DrWillchilltown (3:30:23 AM):
DrWillchilltown (3:30:30 AM): said by who?
sarahurtv8 (3:30:33 AM): shadow
sarahurtv8 (3:30:35 AM): but
sarahurtv8 (3:30:35 AM): dont
sarahurtv8 (3:30:36 AM): tell
sarahurtv8 (3:30:39 AM): SWEAR
DrWillchilltown (3:30:41 AM): hi
sarahurtv8 (3:30:56 AM): dont u get it
sarahurtv8 (3:31:01 AM): andii is super close to animal
DrWillchilltown (3:31:09 AM): well
sarahurtv8 (3:31:11 AM): no
sarahurtv8 (3:31:13 AM): im telling u.
DrWillchilltown (3:31:16 AM): I'm getting pissed off about like everyone
DrWillchilltown (3:31:38 AM): like I j ust want to win hoh and give a big f u to the whole cast
DrWillchilltown (3:31:39 AM): :! h
DrWillchilltown (3:31:40 AM): :-!
DrWillchilltown (3:31:50 AM): :-(
sarahurtv8 (3:32:24 AM): its so annoying
sarahurtv8 (3:32:28 AM): i want you to win too
sarahurtv8 (3:32:32 AM): i hate them
DrWillchilltown (3:34:24 AM): I don't understand any of this, like people think I'm some stupid pos or something
sarahurtv8 (3:35:26 AM): what do u mean
sarahurtv8 (3:35:36 AM): did something else happen im unaware of
DrWillchilltown (3:36:33 AM): your the only one that tells me anything
DrWillchilltown (3:36:40 AM): you and Brian +___+
DrWillchilltown (3:37:12 AM): idk
DrWillchilltown (3:37:14 AM): Hi
DrWillchilltown (3:37:34 AM): the Cat knew all this stuff and didn't say anything to me +___+
sarahurtv8 (3:37:37 AM): yea cuz i like u
DrWillchilltown (3:37:41 AM): Andii is pissing me off now
sarahurtv8 (3:37:45 AM): maybe shadow didnt know
DrWillchilltown (3:37:59 AM): like everyone that I thought I was close to wants nothing to do with me I guess
sarahurtv8 (3:37:59 AM): oh abou andii and tyler?
DrWillchilltown (3:38:02 AM): yes
sarahurtv8 (3:38:08 AM): oh yea, cuz he's afraid
sarahurtv8 (3:38:10 AM): but he told me
sarahurtv8 (3:38:15 AM): and im sure he knew i would tell u
sarahurtv8 (3:38:23 AM): but still dont say i told u
I love Jason, but he is one of those people who lead Will on and it's annoying because his partner is Alex. I need to somehow ensure that Will holds off on targeting Sheila till after partners split.
sarahurtv8 (3:38:33 AM): if u and james were to win hoh, who would be your target then =-O
DrWillchilltown (3:38:43 AM): I have no idea
sarahurtv8 (3:38:52 AM): so many peopls
DrWillchilltown (3:38:56 AM): yes =O h
sarahurtv8 (3:39:03 AM): lmao <3
DrWillchilltown (3:39:16 AM): I would like to put up Jordan/Dick and Sheila/Alex tbh
DrWillchilltown (3:39:17 AM): :-!
DrWillchilltown (3:39:29 AM): but that's personal
sarahurtv8 (3:39:29 AM): wat
DrWillchilltown (3:39:33 AM): and not strategy
DrWillchilltown (3:39:36 AM): hi
sarahurtv8 (3:39:44 AM): thats rude cody
sarahurtv8 (3:39:46 AM): no
DrWillchilltown (3:39:46 AM): =-O
DrWillchilltown (3:39:51 AM): whats rude
sarahurtv8 (3:39:57 AM): im totally fine with jordan/dick
sarahurtv8 (3:40:09 AM): sheila is harmless without andii
sarahurtv8 (3:40:18 AM): and u want shadow out this early?
DrWillchilltown (3:40:27 AM): no
DrWillchilltown (3:40:34 AM): Sheila I do
sarahurtv8 (3:40:37 AM): yea
sarahurtv8 (3:40:39 AM): well
sarahurtv8 (3:40:42 AM): this partner crap
sarahurtv8 (3:40:46 AM): is gonna be over and done with
sarahurtv8 (3:40:51 AM): after this week i think
I then had to try and put the target on other people. I know that it sucks, but losing Alex is way worse than losing anyone else. It would suck for Eric to leave early and be targeted this early, but if it means keeping Alex safe till couples split, I had to run with what I'm given:
sarahurtv8 (3:52:17 AM): well if animal is coming after u
sarahurtv8 (3:52:21 AM): im thinking casey is too
sarahurtv8 (3:52:32 AM): but no offense cody, u started it
sarahurtv8 (3:52:33 AM): js
sarahurtv8 (3:52:41 AM): u usually do against animal, lol.
DrWillchilltown (3:52:54 AM): he would have anyways
DrWillchilltown (3:52:58 AM): so Idc
DrWillchilltown (3:53:09 AM): who else is he not friends with in the game?
sarahurtv8 (3:53:16 AM): no im just saying, like from past games ive watched andstuff
sarahurtv8 (3:53:34 AM): he always seems to want to work with you, but u auto jump to want to get him out.. which i guess it smart cuz he has so many tie
sarahurtv8 (3:53:36 AM): ties*
sarahurtv8 (3:53:43 AM): anyways, its too late now
sarahurtv8 (3:53:49 AM): you guys are at odds
DrWillchilltown (3:53:54 AM): but I'm saying
DrWillchilltown (3:54:01 AM): they both all blame it on me
DrWillchilltown (3:54:19 AM): when a lot of people wanted them out earlier
DrWillchilltown (3:54:24 AM): even if Andii/Dick were lying
DrWillchilltown (3:54:29 AM): who's to say I wasn't?
DrWillchilltown (3:54:32 AM): but I get shafted
sarahurtv8 (3:54:46 AM): bcuz
sarahurtv8 (3:54:48 AM): im willing to bet
DrWillchilltown (3:54:52 AM): none of this would have happened if Andii didn't say she wanted Erikail to stay
sarahurtv8 (3:54:54 AM): they told him beforehand
sarahurtv8 (3:55:04 AM): yup well
sarahurtv8 (3:55:11 AM): im not too surprised
sarahurtv8 (3:55:13 AM): idk why u are!
DrWillchilltown (3:55:17 AM): so Andii comes to me and says if I had a choice erikail would stay
sarahurtv8 (3:55:25 AM): thats bitchy
oh and this made LOL:
DrWillchilltown (4:24:07 AM): Idk I would just be surprised if some want to mess with me this early haha
sarahurtv8 (4:24:15 AM): dont be surpised
sarahurtv8 (4:24:18 AM): you're a threat
<3 lollll. he needs to see the light. people ARE coming after him and if hoh falls in the wrong hands, he is going to be nominated. I know Cody is a threat to win this game again, but there are people who would be
dumb to let him slip by, but there are also people who would be dumb to turn on him. I'm the latter because he is loyal to me. He trusts me and tells me things and although eventually I will have to turn on him, I need him right now.