xxyourdead101xx (8:23:29 PM): i asked dick if he was gonna use his a.v.b. and he said prolly not cuz he wants to save it xD
xxyourdead101xx (8:23:39 PM): i think it means theres no one who he thinks would help him
Taypizzle (8:23:43 PM): he asked shir to play for him
xxyourdead101xx (8:23:47 PM): umm
xxyourdead101xx (8:23:48 PM): what?
xxyourdead101xx (8:23:56 PM): why shir?
Taypizzle (8:23:58 PM): idk lol
xxyourdead101xx (8:24:09 PM): this is insteresting news to me =-O
Taypizzle (8:24:12 PM): why =-O
xxyourdead101xx (8:24:26 PM): cuz a) he lied to me
xxyourdead101xx (8:24:32 PM): and b) i didn't know they were close
xxyourdead101xx (8:24:41 PM): i figured if he asked anyone it would be nat/alex
Taypizzle (8:25:00 PM): well thats what i heard maybe hes lying to her lol
xxyourdead101xx (8:25:21 PM): hmm
xxyourdead101xx (8:25:27 PM): and i figured too if shir won she'd save kat
xxyourdead101xx (8:25:30 PM): not dick xD
Taypizzle (8:25:34 PM): i know lmao
xxyourdead101xx (8:25:55 PM): i bet kat asked him to or sumthing
xxyourdead101xx (8:26:02 PM): they r gonna try to get kat/dick off the block
xxyourdead101xx (8:26:09 PM): and then pressure u to bdoor sum1 they want
Taypizzle (8:26:10 PM): to pick shir?
xxyourdead101xx (8:26:13 PM): mmhmm
Taypizzle (8:26:15 PM): psh
Taypizzle (8:26:17 PM): aint happenign
xxyourdead101xx (8:26:32 PM): gud gud :-)
Taypizzle (8:26:33 PM): i will not be pressured to do anything
Taypizzle (8:26:43 PM): when people do that it makes me do the opposite
xxyourdead101xx (8:26:45 PM): mark it right nao tho if it happens sumthing fishy is afoot
xxyourdead101xx (8:26:47 PM): oops
Taypizzle (8:27:07 PM): how bout
Taypizzle (8:27:12 PM): i win veto and lock noms up
xxyourdead101xx (8:27:17 PM): that sounds
xxyourdead101xx (8:27:20 PM): like a very nice idea
Taypizzle (8:27:24 PM): i agreee lolz
xxyourdead101xx (8:27:27 PM): i think
xxyourdead101xx (8:27:37 PM): if me/u/casey/jee/will/nat wins
xxyourdead101xx (8:27:41 PM): it stays the same
xxyourdead101xx (8:27:47 PM): and jeff
xxyourdead101xx (8:27:50 PM): but lets be real
xxyourdead101xx (8:28:08 PM): oh and eric oops i forgot eric
xxyourdead101xx (8:28:15 PM): nm the odds r they stay the same
Taypizzle (8:28:20 PM): like 50 50
xxyourdead101xx (8:28:58 PM): alex/sarah/alli/dick wud prolly use so as long as alex isn't picked too then yea it'll be 50/50
Taypizzle (8:30:03 PM): ill do what it takes to keep noms the same
xxyourdead101xx (8:30:12 PM): woot woot
Taypizzle (8:30:14 PM): except give up hoh's
Taypizzle (8:30:16 PM): and vetos
Taypizzle (8:30:16 PM):
xxyourdead101xx (8:30:20 PM): u wouldnt like go all out in hbywi
xxyourdead101xx (8:30:22 PM): oh ok
xxyourdead101xx (8:30:22 PM): good
xxyourdead101xx (8:30:28 PM): i was gonna say NO DONT DO IT ":
Taypizzle (8:30:35 PM): whats hbywi =-O
xxyourdead101xx (8:31:25 PM): how bad you want it
xxyourdead101xx (8:31:31 PM): abbreviation =-O
UM FUCK YOU DICK!!!!!!!!!!!! You tell me you're not gonna use it because I assume you already have, but no. You go and fucking ask Sarah to play. Fuck you. I hope your ass is evicted this week. I really fucking do. I hope I get drawn and I hope I play because I will probably leave shit the same now because your ass will definitely get evicted.