Post by Kevin Cambell on Mar 23, 2011 10:46:54 GMT -5
No, we definitely were not lol
Post by nakomis on Mar 23, 2011 15:57:23 GMT -5
I've never wished for a veto win by someone who will use so hard in my life! Jason, Britt or Code for the veto win please!!
Post by nakomis on Mar 23, 2011 16:03:35 GMT -5
KC, do you mind explaining to me how the fuck Sarah managed to do 29 pages of cans in ten mins?! How the jesus is that possible?
Post by KC on Mar 23, 2011 20:16:46 GMT -5
I have no idea how any of these people racked up this amount. Cody got something like 1200 including mistakes, dayum.
Cody killed POV and will be coming off. In all honesty I think Jee's best move is taking out Jeff... but he'll probably make sure Britti leaves. I do think he's being really unreasonable about the past which is a problem with his game... he never lets go of things.
Post by KC on Mar 23, 2011 20:21:44 GMT -5
shirzzz9 (9:17:28 PM): resultss ijeelly (9:17:33 PM): WTF! ijeelly (9:17:34 PM): 1000!?! shirzzz9 (9:17:59 PM): wtfffff ijeelly (9:18:20 PM): omfg how is that possible..
Post by Kevin Cambell on Mar 24, 2011 1:17:08 GMT -5
Holy fuck. Cody needed to step up and step up he did! Unfortunately, I agree with KC in that Jee will replace him too much based on emotions... I HOPE he makes a decision that will be better for game play as opposed to just avenging someone...
Post by nakomis on Mar 25, 2011 15:21:29 GMT -5
I am like seriously devastated that Brit will be leaving
Post by KC on Mar 27, 2011 1:32:29 GMT -5
If the prejury gets really rude, you have my permission to delete their asspained garbage (or report it, idk if you guys can delete). I just deleted a few and am on the verge of handing out bans because it's repeat offenders.
I'm sad Britti is gone. I think it was a stupid move for Jee in all honesty as taking out Jeff would have put him in a beautiful position. This is what happens when you play personal and not strategical. I don't think this is a result of Shadow & Kath's boots and let's be honest, I think Shadow and Kath both would have considered taking out Britti here if she was against Billy too.
Will post more in depth thoughts tomorrow.
Post by nakomis on Mar 27, 2011 16:13:50 GMT -5
Some of the prejury are out of control. Like, they clearly need help..being out of the game, and still giving that much of a fuck about it. Jesus. Time to grow up and get of your computer for a little bit.. I just have NO time for cocky, rude little idiots who are big people hiding behind a computer. It really do take everything in my not to snap at them sometimes. Bye Britti <3
Post by KC on Mar 28, 2011 14:37:13 GMT -5
Hello being delusional about your place in the game Come on now, Cody. You just got blindsided by being nominated last week when you thought you were in a perfect spot. You had your supposed closest allies throwing the kitchen sink at Jason to try to get you backdoored. And you think you're in a beautiful position?!
Post by nakomis on Mar 28, 2011 17:01:01 GMT -5
Cody is delusional If Casey wins, who the fuck else is he gonna use as a replacement if an original comes down? If Jee wins..obvious. Look at this week. If Taylor wins, bye to Will or Shelia If Eric wins, see Casey. Fuck sakes, I think even Shir would consider nominating him ! However, with that being said, I would like Will to make it towards the end. Jason/Will power house please. Even though its impossible with Cody throwing shit left and right. I feel like no one is playing anymore aside from Jason. Its sad.
Post by KC on Mar 29, 2011 21:02:32 GMT -5
We're in the final 8 with a 4-person alliance all sitting safe. Let's see if Jason is smart enough to nominate two of them and not just go after Cody.
I'll do star rankings for last week shortly.
Post by KC on Mar 29, 2011 22:14:28 GMT -5
Going after Cody this week would be dumb of me. the more allies I lose, the more allies i gain... and in the most awkward and strangest place. I lose Alex, I gain Jee. I lose Natalie, I gain Jeff. I'll lose Nick or Eric, I'll gain the other. Nonetheless, this week sucks... although I do know I'm likely surviving it. Rumour has it, the noms are going to be Nick vs. Eric. Of course if one comes down, I go up... correct? yes. So here is the deal. Either I win POV and save one of my two boys, or hope anyone else wins the veto. I can't win competitions AT ALL. I am screwed when it comes to that department of the game. Someone needs to win a damn veto when Sheila is NOT hoh and someone needs to have the damn BALLS to nominate her. Last week Jee had the perfect opportunity. I still don't understand why he didn't do that. God. I guess if Eric ends up leaving, I'll suggest to Nick that he and I become a ~pair. Then I'll have 4 partners in this game and I'll be virtually impossible to get rid of. Of course if Eric stays, it goes without saying, but then he and I will become the new "targets" which would suck. Yup, like i said... this week sucks.
Post by "The Daigle-er" on Mar 30, 2011 19:29:38 GMT -5
I love that gif. lolz
Post by Kevin Cambell on Mar 31, 2011 0:45:31 GMT -5
Sidebar: I like most of the pre-jurors but they are really starting to annoy me.