A conversation with Brian that has been coming more a while now...
I've now got 100% real beef with Jee. Read on.
Brian 11:35 am
im ok
are you evicting me?
finerhine 11:35 am
I think so, yes.
Which I warned you might happen
Brian 11:35 am
finerhine 11:36 am
because it's not going to go down how you think it is
Seriously, I'm expecting a 4-0
Brian 11:36 am
why did you want me out?
finerhine 11:36 am
why did I want you out?
Brian 11:36 am
Jee told me you wanted to vote me out
finerhine 11:37 am
I explained to Jee the reasons for voting both of you
I also wanted to find out how Jee was thinking
Brian 11:37 am
thats not how he made it sound
finerhine 11:37 am
and he told me
that there were already two votes for Casey
to stay
Brian 11:37 am
who were these?
finerhine 11:37 am
I don't know
but I would assume that it would be the other two voters
and we came to the conclusion that it would be best to do the same
with Natalie being the tie-breaker
Brian 11:38 am
but what i dont understand is how you dont even try to get people to switch
finerhine 11:39 am
Brian 11:39 am
when i've had your back this whole game
finerhine 11:39 am
you've been acting really paranoid man
people noticed
they're worried about that
do you think nobody talks?
Brian 11:39 am
they are worried because im worried about my position in the game?
finerhine 11:39 am
the fact that you're asking everyone the same questions and telling everyone the same things
dude, you asked me for my vote before you were even on the block
you asked other people too
you had no idea who you'd be up against
what if it were me?
Brian 11:40 am
no, but i knew i'd be going up
finerhine 11:40 am
I know
Brian 11:40 am
it wouldn't have been you
finerhine 11:40 am
but how can you campaign for a vote to people when you don't know who you're nominated against.
finerhine 11:41 am
It gives people the feeling that you don't care what happens to that other person...
and you didn't even knwo at tthe time who that person would be.
Brian 11:41 am
i wasn't hardcore campaigning
i was just looking to see how i should play the week
finerhine 11:42 am
yeah, but it's made people want to be rid of you
I talked to Jeff, Alex and Jee
they all said you asked for their vote before nominations
you asked all of us about whether or not we'd use veto
finerhine 11:43 am
I know you were trying to save yourself, but it makes people concerned about how you're playing the game.
with complete disregard for everyone else
Brian 11:43 am
well when i'm being thrown under the bus every day
i have to do something
people have no care for me in this game
finerhine 11:44 am
I did
Brian 11:44 am
and everyone i thought who had my back, didn't even care
finerhine 11:44 am
And I never threw you under the bus
Brian 11:44 am
im not saying you did
finerhine 11:44 am
I know
Brian 11:44 am
but everyone loves to
finerhine 11:44 am
but do you see where I'm coming from?
Brian 11:44 am
this is why it makes no sense that im going, i'm the biggest target in the game
in a way, but it's so hazy
when i go, everyone moves up the target list
finerhine 11:45 am
Brian 11:45 am
and it puts you all on risky ground
finerhine 11:45 am
but everyone is already a target
finerhine 11:47 am
yes I could give you a sympathy vote
and Natalie may respect that, but I'm not sure if Casey will.
Brian 11:48 am
i dont want a sympathy vote, i'd want a vote where by people wanted to make a stand they didnt want me to go and showed they had my back the whole time
finerhine 11:48 am
okay then
Brian 11:48 am
i put so much trust into people in this game
and got hardly anything back
finerhine 11:48 am
are you including me in that group?
Brian 11:49 am
not 100%
finerhine 11:49 am
:-P I'll take that
Brian 11:49 am
im just sick of it
finerhine 11:49 am
do you ever think maybe you trust the wrong people?
I'm just saying.
like whichever villain you told about nominating Natalie
Brian 11:50 am
ive not spoken to that person since
finerhine 11:50 am
which you only shared with me after it came out, by the way. ;-)
Brian 11:50 am
you were never on aim =-O
finerhine 11:50 am
it's alright. lol
Brian 11:51 am
just an fyi in my video goodbye
i may not have been nice about you
finerhine 11:51 am
it's alright
Brian 11:51 am
but this was before i spoke to you
i just read what jee told me and i was pissed
finerhine 11:51 am
I would be surprised if you weren't upset in the least
and I was going to tell you
Brian 11:52 am
i was more pissed you took andii away from me than me leaving myself
finerhine 11:52 am
before it happened
finerhine 11:52 am
can I ask you something about Andii?
Brian 11:52 am
finerhine 11:52 am
were you trying to get votes for her to stay that week?
Brian 11:52 am
finerhine 11:52 am
Brian 11:52 am
i thought that was obvious?
finerhine 11:53 am
I knew you didn't want her to go
I knew you weren't going to vote for her
which was fine with me
but you did know she was the target
and decided that, as much as you trusted me, you were going to try to get the vote to go the other way?
Brian 11:54 am
shes one of my best friends in these games, i couldn't just watch her leave without a fight
i would have done it regardless whoever was hoh
finerhine 11:54 am
but you see what it looks like to me, right?
Brian 11:54 am
but it was nothing against you
this is what i tried to tell jeff and he didn't get it
finerhine 11:55 am
it may not have been, but it could be viewed that way
I let is slide obviously
I never brought it up with you until now
but that's the type of thing you should be more careful about in the future.
Brian 11:55 am
i know
but i dont ever backdown from deals i make with friends as good as andii
finerhine 11:56 am
that's a good thing
but you've also got to be sure not to make too many deals
Brian 11:56 am
i haven't got as many deals as some people in this game
just an fyi
finerhine 11:56 am
I was just talking about me and Andii
Brian 11:57 am
i know it was hard because i trusted you both and you wanted her out
finerhine 11:57 am
yeah I know
Brian 11:57 am
but you have to know
i almost saved her
people backed out because it was 4-3
finerhine 11:57 am
I knew it was a risk
which is why the fact that you were trying to get her to stay, did bother me a little bit. ;-)
but it all worked out
that week anyway
Brian 11:58 am
i know, i know
Brian 11:58 am
i should just never plays with friends
i would never back down for them
its just me
finerhine 11:59 am
it's good to be that way
but at the same time
a game is just a game
Brian 11:59 am
i know
finerhine 11:59 am
it shouldn't affect friendships
Some words with Casey. Seems Jee may be closer to Brian than we thought.
finerhine 12:15 pm
I talked to him last night about the vote
he wasn't giving me anything
so I told him I decided to vote Brian
and for all the reasons that he's crazy, right? lol
but then he tells Brian!?
Casey 12:16 pm
dumb move on his part
finerhine 12:17 pm
cause now I've got beef with him
Casey 12:17 pm
obviously that shows something to me too
finerhine 12:17 pm
Casey 12:17 pm
and that's not the first time i heard jee wants to keep him
finerhine 12:17 pm
I thought I had convinced Jee to vote for Brian
finerhine 12:17 pm
but I guess Jee was a lot closer to him than anyone thought
Still trying to figure out his relationships with Dangie. lol He brought them up this time though.
Casey 12:24 pm
i heard angie is done for
so maybe hes feeling confident
and wants me gone
finerhine 12:24 pm
for this week?
Casey 12:24 pm
why is he a possibility? lol
finerhine 12:25 pm
Dan's a possibility for the chatbox person
just because of your relationship
remember BBStarz
when he was so angry you keep making it to the end of games. lol
but you think Angie is going this week?
Casey 12:26 pm
yeah lmao
@ Dan
angie going
Casey 12:27 pm
i kinda do think so
finerhine 12:27 pm
is this just a feeling?
people seem to think she's got connections all over the place