Will (11:43:05 PM): Sheila bugs won
Dan(11:43:22 PM):
Dan(11:43:23 PM): i see
Will (11:43:30 PM): 2 nice
Dan(11:44:19 PM): ikr!
Dan(11:44:29 PM): so we're both safe right?
Will (11:45:45 PM): yes
Will (11:45:48 PM): I would assume so
Will (11:45:58 PM): wouldn't you?
Will (11:46:00 PM): or no?
Dan(11:46:56 PM): i do too
Dan(11:46:59 PM): i would hope
Dan(11:48:01 PM): so hey
Dan(11:48:04 PM): i wanna know
Will (11:48:09 PM): hi
Dan(11:48:25 PM): ive heard that you spread shit around that me jack jason were aligned
Dan(11:48:30 PM): cuz of the animal backdoor
Dan(11:48:39 PM): which is total bs
Dan(11:48:43 PM): but people said you told them
Will (11:48:48 PM):
Will (11:48:55 PM): i haven't said anything
Dan(11:49:03 PM): okay
Dan(11:49:07 PM): i really dont care
Dan(11:49:09 PM): and i believe you
Dan(11:49:13 PM): just what i heard
Will (11:50:24 PM): so people know about the potentinal animal bd?
Dan(11:50:54 PM): idk
Dan(11:51:01 PM): apparently
Will (11:51:12 PM): how convenient +___+
Will (11:51:34 PM): good thing he didn't win I would have been up
Dan(11:51:46 PM): yeah
Will (11:53:02 PM): now I need animal out for sure, who the hell told him?
Dan(11:53:27 PM): idk dude
Will (11:53:36 PM): u have some idea
Dan(11:54:32 PM): no i dont
Dan(11:54:41 PM): cuz im being involved in that shit too
Dan(11:54:47 PM): why would i rat on myself
Will (11:54:49 PM): you said someone told you tho?
Dan(11:54:53 PM): yeah they did
Will (11:55:04 PM): so they prob know then
Will (11:55:07 PM): =O
Dan(11:55:13 PM): doesnt mean they would tell me names
Will (11:55:20 PM): why not
Dan(11:55:31 PM): cuz ppl dont do that in this game
Dan(11:55:35 PM): at least not to me
Will (11:55:36 PM): lol
Will (11:55:55 PM): we'll he can't do crap this week
Will (11:56:51 PM): kinda why i didn't want to talk about all this last round unless it was going to be official, cause now its out and it could have been prevented
Will (11:57:06 PM): so now I'm pretty much fucked if he gets hoh next
Dan(11:57:09 PM): that woulda been my next question
Dan(11:57:20 PM): you say that dick couldve been voted out
Dan(11:57:26 PM): and you were worried
Dan(11:57:30 PM): but
Dan(11:57:33 PM): he wouldnt have been
Dan(11:57:35 PM): at all
Dan(11:57:41 PM): there was no reaosn for you to save him
Dan(11:57:48 PM): unless you made a deal
Dan(11:58:07 PM): joe was going to go no matter what
Will (11:58:15 PM): I dont think so
Dan(11:58:18 PM): youre wrong
Dan(11:58:22 PM): he would have
Will (11:58:34 PM): I was told he had you/Angie's vote
Dan(11:58:38 PM): joe?
Dan(11:58:41 PM): lol bullshit
Dan(11:58:48 PM): i told dick i was keeping him
Will (11:59:41 PM): and then Amanda was acting like how getting joe out was a waste so I wasn't sure what exactly people were going to do
Dan(12:00:03 AM): okay well even then, taking Dick off, you would have had to talk to him
Dan(12:00:05 AM): and make a deal
Dan(12:00:12 AM): people arent stupid Cody
Will (12:00:22 AM): yeah but what diff would that make?
Dan(12:00:28 AM): dick and kathleen are tight
Dan(12:00:39 AM): so making a deal with dick is making a deal with kathleen
Will (12:00:56 AM): we'll was I supposed to just save Dick and not try and get something out of it?
Dan(12:01:03 AM): of course not
Dan(12:01:16 AM): so now you've just told me that you did make a deal with dick and kathleen
Dan(12:01:20 AM): now i know
Will (12:01:27 AM): I never talked to kathleen
Dan(12:01:31 AM): okay
Will (12:02:06 AM): so if I asked Dick if I saved him would he do the same next week, I don't see how that is harming anything =O
Dan(12:02:26 AM): the harm is, putting yourself in the middle of things
Dan(12:02:34 AM): and letting other people fight it out
Will (12:02:50 AM): um wat
Will (12:02:51 AM): =O
Dan(12:04:25 AM): basically, you had no reason to suspect joe would stay
Dan(12:04:28 AM): at all
Dan(12:04:37 AM): unless you had something to benefit from saving dick
Dan(12:04:42 AM): and then putting up Angie?
Dan(12:04:46 AM): It made NO sense
Will (12:05:26 AM): she stayed unanimously, I had doubts that Joe would stay against Dick.. You weren't on at all Sunday to confirm on deny anything along with Amanda and then Angie possibly saving Joe
Will (12:05:42 AM): I didn't see any harm, she stayed unanimously just as I expected.. no use in me risking anything
Dan(12:05:54 AM): it wouldnt have been a risk anyway
Dan(12:05:58 AM): you arent getting that
Dan(12:06:07 AM): nobody was gonna keep joe
Will (12:06:16 AM): we'll at the time I thought it was a risk, and with Angie up there it was no risk
Dan(12:06:27 AM): i still dont see it
Dan(12:06:32 AM): but thats fine cuz it worked out
Dan(12:06:34 AM): im not mad
Dan(12:06:39 AM): i just question your motives
Dan(12:06:47 AM): and its obvious you made a deal with dick
Dan(12:06:52 AM): people arent blind
Will (12:07:08 AM): ya but that doesnt matter, who wouldnt try and make a deal?
Will (12:07:16 AM): if I was saving him anyways, might as try and get something else out of it
Dan(12:07:28 AM): thats true and im not faulting you for that
Dan(12:07:40 AM): but why make a deal with dick and put angie at risk?
Dan(12:07:48 AM): you're basically saying
Dan(12:07:55 AM): I trust Dick to win hoh more than I do Angie
Dan(12:08:04 AM): right?
Will (12:08:07 AM): no
Will (12:08:15 AM): there was no risk with Angie, we saw the vote
Will (12:08:16 AM):
Dan(12:08:22 AM): no no
Dan(12:08:28 AM): youre not looking at it the right way
Dan(12:08:33 AM): what if Angie won this hoh
Will (12:08:43 AM): oh
Will (12:08:51 AM):
Will (12:09:04 AM): we'll um
Will (12:09:05 AM): idk
Will (12:09:14 AM): think she would have put me up?
Dan(12:09:26 AM): no shit she would have
Will (12:09:30 AM): =O
Dan(12:09:32 AM): you put her up
Will (12:09:36 AM): I dont think she would have
Dan(12:09:47 AM): why not
Dan(12:09:54 AM): thats like saying Kathleen wouldnt put me up
Dan(12:10:00 AM): even though I nommed her week 1
Will (12:10:03 AM): its a little diff
Dan(12:10:06 AM): are you playing the same game dude?
Dan(12:10:07 AM): no it isnt
Dan(12:10:10 AM): you put her at risk
Will (12:10:17 AM): 7-0 isn't a risk
Dan(12:10:20 AM): no matter if the votes were there
Dan(12:10:22 AM): it doesnt matter
Dan(12:10:27 AM): the fact you saved dick
Dan(12:10:32 AM): and put her up
Dan(12:10:44 AM): i think the power got to your head
Dan(12:10:50 AM): you should have just kept noms the same
Dan(12:10:54 AM): and it wouldnt have mattered
Will (12:11:03 AM): i explained to her what I was doing, if she wants me out now then I guess thats what she's got to do
Dan(12:11:13 AM): but its unnecessary
Dan(12:11:24 AM): im just confused
Will (12:12:34 AM): i told you what and why i did it
Will (12:12:42 AM): you're not accepting it
Dan(12:12:54 AM): oh its not me who needs to accept it
Will (12:13:02 AM): =o
Will (12:13:08 AM): wats dat mean
Dan(12:13:25 AM): i still question what the point was
Dan(12:13:31 AM): you didnt need to save dick at all
Dan(12:13:35 AM): joe would have wnet
Dan(12:13:45 AM): and everyone in the house would have still voted joe out
Dan(12:13:51 AM): you made a choice on your own
Dan(12:13:58 AM): that has nothing to do with anyone else
Will (12:15:11 AM): we will never know what the vote count would have been if noms were the same
Dan(12:15:17 AM): we wont
Will (12:15:26 AM): so its a matter of you thinking joe would leave and me having doubts
Dan(12:15:49 AM): absolutely. and you made a choice based on what would be best for you
Dan(12:15:53 AM): im not pissed about it
Dan(12:15:59 AM): but i can still question it
Will (12:16:08 AM): ok
Will (12:16:11 AM): yes u can
so much lolz in here... lol like so this conversation was for what now again Dan?
You're not smarter than me by any means, so who the fuck cares if I made a deal with Evel Dick? I don't give a shit if everyone knows it, I'll be glad to shout it out in my next speech. It was a good move by me, so quit whining about me being in control and you being blindsided by me and you not "controlling my hoh week"
Turns out the 3 J's are Jason Jack Juicy Fruit.. which all makes sense now. Of course I told people you wanted babycrackers back door, and of course I'm going to act dumb and make it out so that I'm the victim in all of this. Playing it all off like oh now Eric is going to come after me, and acting all mad how this backdoor situation go leaked when in reality I'm the on who leaked it.
Juicy Fruit is smart, but he's not that smart...